Online Haitian Creole Dictionary (Alpha mode): verb conjugation, Creole Proverbs, Creole Quotes, Rhymes, Haiti of Yesteryear and Today.

Dictionary: English to Creole

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commensurate : Ex : Ahab chose an exceptionally lengthy roll and then crafted a tuna salad sandwich equal to his enormous hunger. [adj.] Topic: Kolèj.
Kreyòl : koresponn
English : commensurate : Ex : Ahab chose an exceptionally lengthy roll and then crafted a tuna salad sandwich equal to his enormous hunger.
Français : proportionné : Ex : Achab a choisi un petit pain exceptionnellement long et a ensuite confectionné un sandwich à la salade de thon à la hauteur de son énorme faim.
Español : acorde: Ej: Ahab eligió un panecillo excepcionalmente largo y luego preparó un sándwich de ensalada de atún a la altura de su enorme hambre.
Português : proporcional: Ex: Ahab escolheu um pãozinho excepcionalmente longo e depois preparou um sanduíche de salada de atum igual à sua enorme fome.

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